01273 011072 | info@OaksRise.org

Children studying a mushroom in a forest
Young oak tree seedlings

Why choose us?

If you believe that your child would thrive in a neuro-affirming, strengths-based learning environment – Oaks Rise could be the place you’re looking for.

We’ve created an environment that celebrates and nurtures our pupils. All of our teaching staff and most of our leadership team are neurodivergent and a neuro-affirming approach is at the heart of everything we do.

Here's how we help: 

High-quality education

Our teaching staff are fully qualified and highly experienced teachers. Key elements of the National Curriculum in English, Maths and Science are embedded throughout all learning, so that pupils may choose to take GCSEs, if they wish. 

A wealth of leadership and teaching experience

Our curriculum and its delivery are guided by a team of senior educators, subject experts and thought-leaders. And they have decades of experience in teaching, senior leadership and neuro-affirming professional development across both mainstream and specialist educational provisions. 

An interest-led, project-based approach

We understand that for many pupils, learning that is divorced from the real-world, and which has no immediate relevance to their interest or experiences holds little appeal. 

We work with pupils’ interests and passions – and that’s the key to fostering a love of learning and a confidence in their abilities and talents. Recognising the strong need for autonomy, pupils follow bespoke, project-led learning that incorporates elements of the National Curriculum. 

Relational safety at the forefront

We understand that until a child feels safe, they are unable to learn. Building positive relationships and emotional security with key adults is the starting point for all future learning.

Small-group learning

Oaks Rise bridges the gap between full-time education and-home-based tuition. We combine the benefits of a small, calm and nurturing environment with the opportunity for pupils to engage with neurodivergent peers in a consistent and safe environment. With a maximum of eight pupils and two qualified teaching staff per group, each pupil has a bespoke learning plan and outcomes, tailored to their needs, talents and strengths.

Community, connection and belonging

We make deliberate efforts to foster a sense of community, social connection and belonging amongst pupils. Our groups are structured so that the same children attend the same sessions over a period of time and are appropriately and gently supported to engage with their peers.