01273 011072 | info@OaksRise.org

Children learning English

Our approach

Our work is guided by the four ‘RISE’ principles:

Relational safety: We understand that until a child feels safe, they are unable to learn. Building positive relationships and emotional security with key adults is the starting point for all future learning. We understand that behaviour is communication and all our learners are met with unconditional positive regard every day, of every week.

Identity: We understand that whilst qualifications are important, self-esteem is life changing. Supporting learners to build self-knowledge and a positive sense of identity, surrounded by their neurodivergent peers, is the foundation on which all future learning and success - however it is defined - are built.

Building a communal sense of identity is also a key pillar of our approach. We make deliberate efforts to foster a sense of community, social connection and belonging amongst learners. Our groups are structured so that the same children attend the same sessions over a period of time and are appropriately and gently supported to engage with their peers. We build positive relationships with parents and care-givers to further build a sense of community and ensure a holistic, coordinated approach to supporting each learner.

Strengths Based: at Oaks Rise we have created an environment that celebrates and nurtures the strengths and abilities of our learners. We seek to support children and young people throughout their educational journey to develop a positive sense of who they are and their place and value in the world. Our aim is to empower our learners to embrace their differences and use them to their advantage.

Environment: Every aspect of Oaks Rise, from the sensory and social environment to the teaching approach, our staff, and our policies is designed with the needs, strengths, and abilities of neurodivergent learners at the forefront. All of our teaching staff and most of our leadership are neurodivergent themselves, helping to ensure that a positive ND approach is developed and maintained across the whole environment.

Our ‘Rise’ Principles are inspired by the work of Dr. Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker who developed the REACH Principles as a basis for a low-demand parenting approach. For more information see: Dr Naomi Fisher and https://www.facebook.com/MissingTheMark1