01273 011072 | info@OaksRise.org

Kids Map-Reading in the Woods

Enrolment and Session Times

Learner Profile

Oaks Rise offers supplementary education on a part time basis. We welcome academically able children and young people who need the small, nurturing neuro-affirming environment, and educational approach associated with our specialism in neurodivergence and anxiety. In our opening phase, our intake will be for pupils aged from 9 to 14 years.

A typical Oaks Rise learner will have been unable to thrive at a mainstream school and will have often missed periods of schooling. One or more of the following statements may apply:

  • They have experienced repeated triggering and traumatising experiences when trying to access traditional mainstream settings, resulting in periods of Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)
  • They may not be attending a school at all or attending on a part-time timetable
  • They may have had some learning at home or in tuition centres, through one-to-one tuition
  • They may present with some demand avoidance, due to heightened anxiety

We aim to provide and maintain a calm and predictable environment within Oaks Rise, enabling anxious learners to feel safe and secure. As a result, we are unable to accept children and young people who express their anxieties physically.

Enrolment criteria

Potential learners may be offered a place at Oaks Rise if they meet all the following criteria:

  • They identify as autistic and may be formally diagnosed
  • They have the academic ability to work at age-related academic expectations, recognising that many students will have gaps in their learning
  • They are currently able, or will soon be ready, to work in a small group environment
  • They are unlikely to display behaviour which would have a detrimental impact on others or themselves. The Admissions Team will also consider the extent to which any challenging behaviour is likely to be due to unmet needs and we welcome an open and frank conversation at the initial enquiries stage to discuss issues around this
  • They are someone who would benefit from attending Oaks Rise, they want to join us and become part of the community

Please see our full Admissions policy here, for more information.

Session Times

We are currently open from Mondays to Wednesdays only. 

We operate two sessions per day for different groups of learners. Learners may enrol for either the morning, or the afternoon session for a three-hour session, three times per week. We currently offer a maximum of 9 hours of educational support, per pupil, per week.

Morning session is from 9.30am until 12.30pm

Afternoon session is from 1.15pm until 4.15pm.

We welcome enquiries from parents, carers, schools and Local Authorities to discuss the admissions process and fees further. Please see our Contact Us page for more information on contact options.


Our Admissions policy is available here.

Our Data Protection policy is available here.

Our Complaints policy is available here.

All other policies are available on request.